Do you struggle with ill-fitting dentures? Tired of avoiding foods you love or living in fear that your dentures will fall out when laughing? Consider implant-retained dentures. You can still have the beautiful set of prosthetic teeth you’re used to, but without the discomfort and disruption of them slipping or becoming loose.
Dental implants have changed the face of modern dentistry. While they are an excellent choice for replacing a single tooth, they can also be used to secure a full arch of replacement teeth. In some cases, you may only need a few dental implants to support a full denture. Supporting your denture with dental implants can be a life-changing solution, easing your comfort and helping you feel more confident in your everyday life. Not to mention, implant-retained dentures are easy to take care of!
There are many different types of implant-retained dentures, and your dentist can determine the best approach for you. In all cases, you’ll undergo simple oral surgery to place the implant into your jaw bone. The implant itself is a small titanium post that naturally fuses to the surrounding bone over time. This allows it to become an artificial tooth root for the crown, denture or other implant restoration that is secured on top. Once in place, these implants will create a firm foundation for your dentures, refusing to let them slip or fall out of place at the most inopportune moments.
With implant-retained dentures, you can enjoy the following benefits:
- Dietary Freedom – no more avoiding hard-to-chew foods, such as fibrous fruits and vegetables that your body needs to stay healthy.
- Unrivaled Smile Confident – you can regain confidence in your teeth like you had when they were natural. Implants don’t allow your dentures to shift when eating, talking and laughing.
- Bone Loss Prevention – now that you have an implant that is stimulating your jaw bone, your bone will be able to retain its density and form. This helps you avoid premature facial aging!
Ready to learn if implant retained dentures are right for you? Call Smiles by Seese. We offer experience, talent and skill when it comes to restorative dentistry. You deserve a confident smile after missing teeth!
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610 Jetton St. Suite 250
Davidson, NC 28036
Phone: (704) 895-5095
Email: info@smilesbyseese.com
Monday (once/month): 8AM – 5PM
Tuesday - Thursday: 8AM – 5PM
Friday: 8AM – 3PM