Oral Cancer Screening
Oral cancer is a dangerous condition that kills thousands of Americans each year. You don’t just have to use tobacco to be at risk. Many risk factors include sun exposure, viruses and even a family history.
At Smiles by Seese, every patient receives a thorough oral cancer screening as part of our family dentistry treatments. During this exam, we will check for abnormal sores that have not healed properly or lesions that appear different from other tissues throughout the mouth. Early diagnosis is key. Waiting until an area is so pronounced or painful often leads to a poor diagnosis.
The earlier a precancerous lesion can be found, the more likely your treatment is to be a success. Should we find a precancerous lesion in your mouth, we will typically recommend a biopsy.
Oral cancerous tissues typically include areas that are:
- Red
- White
- Raised
- Pitted
- Spotted
- or simply appear different from other tissues near them
If you have an area such as this that has been present for longer than two weeks, then please call our office immediately. Most people never find oral cancer on their own until it is too late.
Mouth Cancer Screenings
Smiles by Seese oral cancer screening allows us to identify precancerous skin cells before they are visible clinically. These important mouth cancer screenings help us identify it earlier than ever before. It truly saves lives!
How long has it been since your last oral cancer screening? If you can’t remember, it’s been too long. We conduct thorough oral cancer screening during all exams, every six months. It’s the only way to be safe. You owe it to your family and to yourself. Contact our office today to schedule your dental exam and oral cancer screening.